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SEIU LOSES Election--Really Big Vote Against It

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  • SEIU LOSES Election--Really Big Vote Against It

    We all know about the openly corrupt SEIU. The only way it gets members is by force, by mandate. That is why they do not like elections, they prefer government to force people into paying bribes.

    A leader of the corrupt SEIU broke away and started his own union--and now nurses in California are being asked to vote on which version of corruption they bribe in order to work.

    Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital nurses held a vote: "During the two-day voting, the breakaway National Union of Healthcare Workers garnered 283 votes, compared to 13 for the rival Service Employees International Union.

    However, 263 voters cast ballots for no union in the tightly contested race."

    Nurses are professionals--yet 263 are now losing money, forced to join a union and are being told what to believe in re: candidates for office, public policy and how they work--the leadership of the union are NOT nurses, they are professional unionists.

    What is really amazing is that out of 559 votes, only 13 wanted to be members of the SEIU!!! Now you know why "card check" becoming a union member without an election, is so popular with the SEIU

    Freedom was lost in Santa Rosa, professional nurses are now owned by a union.
