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Fresno Firefighters to be Furloughed for Week and a Half

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  • Fresno Firefighters to be Furloughed for Week and a Half

    Like every other city in California, Fresno is running a massive deficit, and it will get worse.

    So, the fledgling Mayor has decided that the firefighters should be furloughed for a total of a week and a half between now and June 30, 2010.

    I do not know much about the budget of Fresno--but I do know that this is another city refusing to make the priorities of public safety its first priority.

    Once again, the first AND only purpose of government is to protect its citizens from enemies foreign and domestic--law enforcement, fire fighting and a military. Everything else is a frill.

    This is outrageous. Those running Fresno have decide that protection is no difference than filling potholes, trimming trees and keeping the lights on at City Hall.

    Close City Hall and keep the fire fighters. Stop paying dues to lobbying groups and lobbyists, and keep the fire fighters. Sell the private property and businesses owned by the city and keep the fire fighters.

    Time for a voter revolt in Fresno The Mayor may be new, but her reactions to public safety are old. Someone needs to remind her of her oath of office.
