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Maldonado Confirmation: Dems Will Wait Till he Votes for tax Increases

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  • Maldonado Confirmation: Dems Will Wait Till he Votes for tax Increases

    The Democrats are smart. They will not confirm Senator Abel Maldonado for Lt. Governor until he votes for higher taxes.

    "Senate leader Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, has said he would like the Legislature to address the states $6 billion shortfall in the current budget year while Maldonado is still in the Senate. Steinberg did not explicitly say Maldonados cooperation in those efforts would determine whether or not he is confirmed as lieutenant governor, but Steinberg will certainly have some leverage over Maldonado if and when that budget vote happens."

    Abel is know to vote for higher taxes, if you give him something in exchange--the last time it was a ballot measure to end the Republican, Democrat and ALL Third parties.

    Now, he wants a confirmation. Knowing Abel, you can be assured he is a vote for higher taxes, more fees or anything it takes to get a confirmation.

    This is why California is in trouble, legislators more concerned with their careers then the families and businesses of the State.

    Oh, like a true Democrat, Steinberg lies about the "shortfall"--it is actually $36 billion--as of today.
