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Poizner Pushed Disinvestment in Terrorist Iran

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  • Poizner Pushed Disinvestment in Terrorist Iran

    While Obama is still yakking about nuclear weapons in Iran, the United Nations is passing unenforceable resolutions, the California Insurance Commissioner, Steve Poizner, is causing harm to the bank accounts of the terrorists running Iran.

    And now, California is striking a blow against the Mullahtocracy. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has launched a probe into the insurance industry to ensure its compliance with the new state law that prohibits California insurance companies from investing in countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.

    As a result, the insurance companies that have cooperated admitted to an astounding $12 billion in investments in companies that do businesses with the key Iranian energy, nuclear, banking and defense industries that are propping up Ahmadenijad's repressive and dangerous regime. Hearings next month will focus on forcing other insurance companies to come clean and then remove their billions in indirect investments within three months.

    If, after this hearing, an insurer still refuses to divest, Poizner will take all legal action available to him to effectuate divestment."

    Poizner is not whining about the problem, he has taken action. Time for elected officials to follow the example of Mr. Poizner, not the example of our President or the United Nations.
