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Give Parents Power over School--Stop the Union Control

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  • Give Parents Power over School--Stop the Union Control

    Unions have a monopoly control over our failed schools. As long as they control teachers, they control the classroom. Any teacher that fails to pay the monthly union bribe is thrown out of the classroom. The bribe money is used to buy school board and legislative members--to continue the vicious cycle.

    "The political fight over a pot of federal school funding illustrates the Legislature's halfhearted interest in education reform: The dispute turns on whether parents should have an alternative to keeping their children in substandard schools.

    There should be no debate. The Legislature should approve changes to state law that give parents tools to spur school improvements."

    Want to fix our schools? Make union membership voluntary, stop school districts from collecting the bribe money and turn the schools over to the parents, not the greedy special interests.

    The alternative is another generation of failed students. Which would you prefer?
