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A four-year degree from a two-year school? It could happen

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  • A four-year degree from a two-year school? It could happen

    If you get rid of the garbage in a four year degree--things like classes that have nothing to do with earning a living,classes that make you a "better" person, but does nothing to help you in your profession, if you rid the schools of racist ethnic classes teaching racial superiority or victim hood, you should be able to get a real degree, one that means something, in two years, not four.

    The only harm in this is the sports program of a school. But, is it the responsibility of UCLA to provide you with entertainment on a Saturday afternoon, or an education.

    Let those who want to become professional athletes create schools just for that purpose and stop stealing from poor taxpayers.

    This is a great idea--education instead of propaganda and personal agenda's of the elites.
