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L.A. schools chief orders weak new teachers ousted

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  • L.A. schools chief orders weak new teachers ousted

    This is a great idea. Fire bad teachers.

    The real problem is why didn't they do this in the past? In fact, this is LAUSD admitting they kept bad teachers--maybe this explains the 50% drop out rate and the very low going to college rate.

    "Los Angeles schools Supt. Ramon C. Cortines ordered administrators Thursday to weed out ineffective new teachers before they become permanent, acknowledging that the nation's second-largest school system has largely failed to adequately evaluate teacher performance.

    "This district can be rightly criticized for the promotion of ineffective teachers over the years. That is about to change," Cortines said. "We do not owe poor performers a job."

    Maybe a better idea is to get rid of ALL the bad teachers? Yes, the union contract does not allow that. But how about the contract between LAUSD and the children?

    The next union contract must allow the easy firing of bad teachers. If the union goes on strike--great. LAUSD can note the teachers have resigned and hire honest, bright, good teachers instead of the motley crew of folks they have now.

    What a concept--only hire and keep good teachers--government education would never be the same.
