We know that government is costing us high taxes and bad jobs due to Sacramento policies. We knew that government is costing our childen a quality education by preferring union control over parental control.
Now we know the cost of union control of money to build and fix roads. Due to the 15-20% premium pay, to payoff the monopolistic unions, on average the damage to your car is $2500 per year.
How much do LA potholes cost? ""We are short upwards of $10 billion annually to meet our transportation needs," Watts said. "Our failure to close this transportation investment deficit is costing us nearly four times that much."
Meanwhile, potholes and crumbling roads are costing Angelenos $746 annually in wear-and-tear to their vehicles, including repairs, rising vehicle depreciation and tire wear, according to the report."
Why do we continue to trust government? Angry yet?
Now we know the cost of union control of money to build and fix roads. Due to the 15-20% premium pay, to payoff the monopolistic unions, on average the damage to your car is $2500 per year.
How much do LA potholes cost? ""We are short upwards of $10 billion annually to meet our transportation needs," Watts said. "Our failure to close this transportation investment deficit is costing us nearly four times that much."
Meanwhile, potholes and crumbling roads are costing Angelenos $746 annually in wear-and-tear to their vehicles, including repairs, rising vehicle depreciation and tire wear, according to the report."
Why do we continue to trust government? Angry yet?