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Massachusetts School on Warpath Against Christians

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  • Massachusetts School on Warpath Against Christians

    Pass this to your email list--folks need to know that being a Christian, a believer, is under attack.

    Christians are on the run everywhere. The ACLU has shut down Christmas trees, manger scenes, crosses and much more.

    Now government schools in Massachusetts have decided that children who believe in Jesus Christ are sick and need physiological help.

    Generally speaking, we have safety protocols in place, Hackett said. If a situation warrants it, we ask for outside safety evaluations if we have particular concerns about a childs safety. We followed all the protocols in our system.

    "The boy made the drawing and was sent home from school on Dec. 2. He went for the psychological evaluation at his parents expense the next day and was cleared to return to school the following Monday after the psychological evaluation found nothing to indicate that he posed a threat to himself or others.

    The boy, however, was traumatized by the incident, which made going back to school very difficult, the father said. School administrators have approved the fathers request to have the boy transferred to another elementary school in the district."

    Looks like the Salem witch hunts are back--this time with Christians as the victims. Guess Massachusetts, land of the Kennedys, is not in favor of the First Amendment.

    Bigots, Massachusetts is your capitol.
