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Contra Costa Times Editorial: Time to drop high-speed rail in California

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  • Contra Costa Times Editorial: Time to drop high-speed rail in California

    When a liberal newspaper admits that politicians are wasting tax dollars, you have a real story. The vote are coming out, in drips and drabs.

    "LAST YEAR, WHEN voters were presented with Proposition 1A, the $9.9 billion rail bond, proponents of a high-speed rail system estimated the fare from the Bay Area to Los Angeles would be $55. Now that the bond measure has passed, the forecast price of a ticket is $105.

    The increase is not surprising given that the cost estimates for building the high-speed rail system have also risen dramatically to $42.6 billion, which also is no surprise."

    We are well on our way to the actual cost, $200 billion, including the cost of bonds and interest on the bonds. That is what the California Political News and Views wrote dozens of times, while the LA Times, the Chron and Bee's were begging for votes for this fraud.

    Now, the facts, which were known before the vote--the fringe media, as we all know, lied to us about this. Why do we pay attention to newspapers which promote the special interests, such as unions and big corporations which will make a mint out of the boondoggle? Time to repeal this before we lose even more money.
