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Failed Obama Gives Himself a B+

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  • Failed Obama Gives Himself a B+

    Unemployment has grown from under 8% to over 10%

    The National Debt could be $18 Trillion in eight years

    His Obamacare cuts $500 billion from the health care of senior citizens, while raising taxes by $400 billion on everybody.

    He apologizes to terrorists and slaps the face of Israel. He calls the leader of the vicious North Korean government "Dear Leader".

    He wants American citizens to pay taxes to the United Nations, while killing our jobs with a cap and trade policy based on known fraud.

    His Administration protect criminals bullying voters in Philadelphia, while giving tens of millions to the openly corrupt ACORN.

    His Administration is riddled with crooks, thiefs and radicals. Some of his people believe that trees and dogs should be given attorneys to sue real people. Others want to forcibly sterilize women to prevent more than one child (just like the Chinese dictatorship)

    I could go on, but you get the point. President Barack Obama gives himself a B+ for this performance. An "F" would still be too high.

    One good note, today is one day closer to the 2012 elections when we can get an honest President.

    What grade would you give Mr. Obama?


  • #2
    Nothing LESS than an "F"--not just for FAILED, but the REASON WHY, because he F-D UP, and BIGTIME, BADLY!

