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Court Decision Could Cut Government Health Care Obligations

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  • Court Decision Could Cut Government Health Care Obligations

    The State of California is $118 billion in debt over health care obligations. Add to that the $171 billion in general obligation debt, $200 billion in CalPers unfunded liabilities, plus the tens of billions of CalStrs unfunded liabilities and the State of California is over $500 billion in debt--and growing fast.

    "The federal court ruled that San Diegos retiree health obligation is not a vested right like public employee pensions, which are widely believed to be protected by court rulings that allow cuts only if replaced by something of equal value."Great, government makes a contractual agreement with workers, can't pay and can walk away from it.

    Yeah, sure.

    If any government agency did that, Recalls would be the order of the day, the credit of cities would collapse and the workers would strike, sue and make a mess.

    Who are they kidding, if San Diego or any other agency acted on this court order, it would be a disaster.

    Instead, we need to end sweetheart deals, stop unions from buying elected officials (excuse me, "donating" to them with stolen money).

    What a waste of money. Another example of how dysfunctional government has become.


  • #2
    DEPORT the ILLEGALS, and then WATCH the savings MOUNT!

