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Health 'Reform Death Blow': Costs More Than Current System

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  • Health 'Reform Death Blow': Costs More Than Current System

    "Now comes the final, fatal blow: a report from the chief actuary of the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that says health "reform" will mean the opposite of its advertised promises.

    Reform was supposed to be about reducing ever-increasing costs. But HHS says that under the bill now being steamrolled through Congress, total health costs over the next decade (now estimated at $2.5 trillion) "would increase by about 0.7%" over what would take place if we made no changes at all."

    Obama wants to raise the cost of health care for this nation,not cut it. But why?

    So hei can cut $500 billion from Medicare, killing thousands of elderly. So he can control private insurance coverage and mandate higher premiums, forcing more people on the government rolls.

    Barack wants to determine who gets procedures and who dies--the Bill is filled with limitations on coverage, except in two areas.

    The areas? Obama is allowing illegal aliens to get free health care--by not allowing folks to be challenged. Then he is forcing private insurance,even for nuns and 90 year old women, to include abortion coverage.

    Pass this bill and American health care will look like the American economy--not a pretty sight.

    Sadly, this will pass, and we will be controlled by a government as ruthless as the old Soviet Union.

    America is in deep trouble. Even the people working for Obama admit this fact.
