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Caldwell: Perceiving the Truth from Propaganda

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  • Caldwell: Perceiving the Truth from Propaganda

    Andy Caldwell is the leading talk show host on the Central Coast, operating out of Santa Maria. He is passionate about the free market and truth in government and public policy.

    "I have to say I am quite frightened by what I have learned. I am even more concerned about what the average citizen does not know about what is happening in our world today.

    For instance, due to a virtual media blackout, unless you peruse certain internet sites or watch Fox News, you have not heard about what is perhaps the greatest scientific scandal of our time involving some leading scientists and academics on the subject of global warming. The scandal has been dubbed Climategate. It involves the most important and central scientists in the world who have led the effort which would serve to scare us into believing that the core manufacturing, transportation and energy sectors of the world are destroying the planet and something must be done immediately or else."

    Caldwell understands that public policy is killing jobs, revenues and families, is being made based on fraud,smears and lies. Worse, those in charge do not seem to care. "In light of these scandals, it really turned my stomach to witness Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger posing for a picture of what San Francisco is going to look like when it is underwater due to rising ocean levels, due to melting ice caps, due to global warming. In light of Climategate, he could not be more oblivious. He has also thus far ignored the CARB scandal even though he is directly responsible for the agency as it is filled with his own political appointees!"

    Caldwell is right; we need to demand truth in government. We can no longer afford Al Gore, the scientific con-men or government wanting to control our lives, for the sake of control.

    Will you speak up?
