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Details on Wasted Stimulus Expenditures

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  • Details on Wasted Stimulus Expenditures

    Looks like the GOP is doing what Obama, promised--making the stimulus spending "transparent"

    See the full report here.

    Here are some examples:

    * No. 11 -- All Aboard The Wine Train!: $54 million (Pg. 14)

    While some major U.S. cities have still not been fully protected from the possibility of catastrophic flooding, engineers are hard at work to relocate the Napa Wine Train to prevent just that.

    * No. 5 -- Water Pipeline to a Money-Losing Golf Course: $2.2 million (Pg. 8)

    A $2.2 million stimulus grant will help pay for new pipes to pump recycled water to the Sharp Park Golf Course in San Francisco, California. [NOTE: Sharp Park is in Pacifica]

    * No. 30 -- Money for Exit Africa: $233,825 (Pg. 23)

    My favorite is the exit polling in Africa. This is corruption at its worst.

    Now you iknow why Obama wants more--paying off friends, associates, donors, voting blocks--this is Chicago politics. And, we the taxpayers are buying votes for Barack!

    Pass this article along. Let others see why we have a trillion dollar deficit under President Obama, and growing.

    Also, what is your "favorite: expenditure--you can have two or three if you want. Write your thoughts in the comments section. Click on "read more" and you will see lots of wasted projects.
