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Should Liars Study on Diesels be Thrown Out?

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  • Should Liars Study on Diesels be Thrown Out?

    Would you trusts a study, that will cost tens of thousands of jobs, hundreds of millions of State revenues and destroy a whole industry, written by a guy who paid $1,000 to get a "Ph.D" on the Internet?

    The bigger question is, why is their a question. Obviously those supporting this fraud do not care about facts, honesty or people--they demand the California economy be killed, regardless of the corruption involved.

    "Two of the 11 air board members have asked that the anti-pollution rules be suspended because they were partially based on a report by Hien Tran that found particulates in diesel emissions account for 3,500 premature deaths a year in California. Tran falsely claimed he had a doctorate in statistics from UC Davis."

    Time to fire the whole CARB Board, those responsible for protecting him, and he needs to go to jail for fraud and corruption. Anything less is a slap in the face of honest scientists and the people of California.
