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Pushing Denham Out of lt. Guv Race--to Support "un"Abel

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  • Pushing Denham Out of lt. Guv Race--to Support "un"Abel

    The small Schwarzenegger wing of the GOP is trying to push State Senator Jeff Denham out of the race for Lt. Governor. They of course support the tax increaser "unAbel" Maldonado for the job. Of course, Abel has less chance of winning this in a contested primary than my dog--and I do not own a dog. In the general, the Democrats will remind the GOP voters how "unAbel" has denounced the GOP over the years. Not a chance in the general. If the GOP wants a guaranteed loser, he is the man.

    Won't take much to defeat "unAbel" in a GOP primary. He violated his pledge not to raise taxes. He voted for the highest tax increases in world history for a State. This is a man who needed conservative GOP people to protect him from his own constituents. Then turned on them.

    "unAbel" could not get 30% in a contested GOP primary, about the same as his sponsor. Since he is "postpartisan" according to the Governor, then "unAbel" should run on that ticket, not the GOP line.

    Thought you should know those who have harmed the GOP, bankrupted the Party--financially and operationally--are not satisfied.
