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Abandoning California's commitment to education

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  • Abandoning California's commitment to education

    The LA Times still does not get it. They believe if you throw money at a problem, and impoverish the middle class, schools will get better.

    There is a simpler and cheaper remedy--allow the students in totally failed schools vouchers so they can go to good, non-government schools. Let the hostages to unions go.

    The 1960 era Master Plan for Education was nice--but that was 50 years ago when teachers and parents controlled the schools.

    Now you have college and university students picketing, taking over administration buildings in defense of corrupt unions and even more corrupt Administrators. The UC and State College systems are riddled by incompetence,politics and corruption.

    More money only means more corruption and incompetence. Time to get rid of the professional educators and put honest people in charge of administering government schools at all levels. More money will make more problems, not better education. Education has more than enough money now. This is not 1960 any more.
