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With no limits in place, another college fee hike likely

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  • With no limits in place, another college fee hike likely

    More tuition raises for Community College students is in the works. That does not mean better education, more classes or a more honest system--just means it will cost more to take classes.

    "Although hundreds of thousands of the lowest-income students are exempted from paying any fees, experts say many of those students do not know about the waivers and that fee hikes create "sticker shock" keeping out some would-be students."

    Could this be the problem? Hundreds of thousands paying nothing? So those that are forced to pay must pay more, to cover the hundreds of thousands who do not pay.

    Now you know the real problem--those who pay for nothing. I won't even ask how many of those not paying are illegal aliens--we know the answer to that.

    Community colleges have enough money now. it is the policies creating the problems,not the lack of money. Change the policies, don't raise the tuition.
