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Government Forces Workers Into Corrupt Union

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  • Government Forces Workers Into Corrupt Union

    The National Labor Relations Board is supposed to protect workers. Instead the NLRB is forcing heath care workers to pay bribes to one of two corrupt, vicious unions.

    Both these unions are bullies. Both have been caught abusing the money of the workers. Both force workers to pay bribes or not be allowed to work. Both support public policy to the Left of Obama (yes, it is possible).

    The SEIU is famous for beating up workers and those, like the man selling flags in St. Louis, promoting freedom and free speech. Both unions believe you are too stupid to make health decisions for yourself--you need government, not doctors,to decide if you are allowed to live.

    Corruption, roving gangs, financial abuse of workers--name your brand, but the government is throwing health care workers to the dogs.
