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Legislature Killing Recycling of Bottles and Cans

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  • Legislature Killing Recycling of Bottles and Cans

    Money meant to pay for the recycling of bottles and cans is being diverted to cover the out of control spending of Sacramento.
    "The container recycling fund has a shortfall of about $160 million this fiscal year. The economic downturn has squeezed the fund, by slowing beverage sales and thus revenue for the program. But a larger factor is the more than $500 million the state has borrowed from the beverage container recycling fund since 2002 -- including $134 million this fiscal year. Most of that money went to plug holes in the state's general fund."
    Half a billion dollars--while the State is close to $100 billion in deficits in the same time period., not children stealing to hide their naughty deeds.

    We need adults in Sacramento.
