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Will AB 32 be on November, 2010 Ballot? Ask Assemblyman Logue

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  • Will AB 32 be on November, 2010 Ballot? Ask Assemblyman Logue

    You have a chance to stop what the radicals and the liars (we now know conclusively that those making money off the global warming hoax cooked the books) have promoted, the job and revenue killing AB 32. This farce has directly killed over 100,000 jobs. It has killed revenues. It is wasting one billion dollars at the LA and San Pedro Ports to force independent truckers to either be unemployed or pay bribes to work.

    In a short while you will have the opportunity of signing a petition to put this corrupt hoax on the ballot, to kill it. "AB 32 will cost the state more than 1 million jobs in its implementation, a foolish venture when so many are already out of work, Logue said."

    The job you save can be your own.
