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FPPC to Sue Ethically Challenged Clark Kelso

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  • FPPC to Sue Ethically Challenged Clark Kelso

    How corrupt is Clark Kelso, the court appointed prison czar?

    He demanded Democrat State Controller Chiang write him a check for $8 billion, without authorization. Chiang refused

    He demanded the Governor GIVE him $8 billion, without authorization. Arnold refused.

    He demanded $8 billion from the legislature, but refused to tell them how he would spend the money and informed them they could not audit the money spent. They refused.

    Well, now we know why he refused to allow the Governor, the controller or the legislature the right to audit the money spent--he refuses to comply with the State FPPC conflict of interest laws.

    In other words, he could give his brother, business partner, his girl friend a contract, and get away with it. For all we know he may be the most corrupt person in California government.

    Clark Kelso is a disaster waiting to happen. Right now all he is doing is wasting tens of millions of tax dollars--but he wants billions as his own slush fund. Oh, note that he is monitoring his own honesty! " the receiver has resisted state regulation and oversight lest his efforts get bogged down in the very bureaucracy it was intended to bypass; he files detailed reports on his work to Henderson periodically, even as he’s gotten into a series of dustups with state officials over the limits of his authority."
