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Why Folks Won't WASTE Time on Jury Duty

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  • Why Folks Won't WASTE Time on Jury Duty

    Morally and ethically, can you find someone guilty or innocent of a crime if you KNEW that important evidence was not allowed in a courtroom, due to legal technicalities?

    Can you put someone in jail, knowing that if law enforcement lied to a suspect that is legal, but if a suspect lied they go to jail?

    Is it right for government to draft you into a service that you know will waste you time and probably not bring justice to a suspect or the victim?

    At what point do you become a conscientious objector? How about at the start.

    Read this article and see if you feel the frustration this man has to the system.

    I know I can never be picked for a jury, though government will waste my time and money by calling me every 14 months, as has been done for the past several years.


  • #2
    During the Ramos-Compean trial, US Attorney Johnny Sutton, the prosecutor, and the presiding judge Kathleen Cardone, agreed that certain vital exculpatory evidence should be KEPT HIDDEN from the jury. After the trial, three jurors stepped forward and said that if they had known ALL of the facts, they would NOT have voted to convict the agents!

