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America as Texas vs. California

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  • America as Texas vs. California

    Look at the comparisons between California and Texas. "Fourth, beyond taxes, diversity, and the environment, Texas has focused on streamlining the regulatory and litigation burden on its residents. Meanwhile, Californias government has attempted to use regulation and litigation to transfer wealth from its creators to various special-interest constituencies."

    Texas has low taxes, we have high taxes. Texas wants folks to assimilate--California is proud of it segregation. California treats wealth as a crime, while Texas see it as a virtue.

    We have an high income tax--they don't have any. Therir Governor is for free enterprise, ours applauds Barack.

    Texas is fiscally responsible. We have had $60 billion in deficits the past three years and now have a total billion of $26 billion in deficits--with over $170 billion in debt.

    California has the ocean, Texas has common sense. Which is better for your family?


  • #2
    Unfortuately BOTH Texas and California are PRIME sanctuary states for ILLEGALS!

