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L.A. analysts project $1-billion budget gap by 2013

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  • L.A. analysts project $1-billion budget gap by 2013

    Phony Tony of LA has done it--he will be in the record books. Phony Tony will be the first Mayor in history to have a ONE BILLION DEFICIT--and he continues to spend like a madman.

    "Los Angeles could face a $1-billion deficit by the time Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wraps up his second term in 2013, a dire forecast driven primarily by escalating employee pension costs and stagnant tax revenues, the city's top budget analyst said Wednesday." Between his love of money losing trains and unions, the sweetheart contracts have killed what is left of Los Angeles. This at the same time California has committed fiscal suicide--and the Feds are spending so fast we can not keep track--it has a $12 TRILLION deficit--that is growing by at least a trillion a year for the next TEN years.

    Note that it is Democrats who run LA and Sacramento--while the Feds have had help from GOP'ers acting like Democrats.

    America is in deep trouble--oh, San Fran is facing, shortly, a $500 billion deficit--and it is about one fourth the population of LA. San Fran is run by the really nutty wing of the Democrat Party and has for years.

    Now you know why California is in trouble.
