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California unions, taxes, regulations, not trade agreements, killing flower industry

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  • California unions, taxes, regulations, not trade agreements, killing flower industry

    Thanks to trade agreements, the LA Times believes the California flower industry is in trouble due to low cost production in foreign countries. But why do other countries have low cost flower production, when you include a plane flight added to the costs.

    Note the Times left out California's high tax rate as a cause. They left out regulations as a cause. They left out AB 32 and the added costs of equipment and testing due to this job and revenue killer.

    No, the Times acts like an agent of the unions and blames everything on trade agreements. This reporter obviously has a bias, and the editor is promoting it.

    Look at the cost of doing business in California as the first cause of the problem, not the non existent cause.

    Why is the California flower industry dying, because Sacramento is killing it.
