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E-Mails Of Climate Researchers Buttress Case Of Warming Fraud

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  • E-Mails Of Climate Researchers Buttress Case Of Warming Fraud

    We all know that Al Gore is a fraud--as is Barbara (Call me Senator) Boxer. Now we know that those promoting the P.T. Barnum hoax are frauds, crooks and thieves--really.

    "We don't know who "Deep Throat" is. But according to an interview in Investigate Magazine's TGIF edition with Philip Jones, director of the Hadley Climate Research Unit at Britain's East Anglia University, the incriminating e-mails documenting collusion and fraud among top global warming scientists, including a few from Jones himself, are genuine.

    In one e-mail sent to Michael Mann, director of Penn State University's Earth System Science Center, Raymond Bradley, a climatologist at the University of Massachusetts, and Malcolm Hughes, a professor of dendrochronology at the University of Arizona's Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research, Jones speaks of the "trick" of filling in gaps of data in order to hide evidence of temperature decline:

    "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline." Hide the decline? "Keith" is Keith Briffa of the Climate Research Unit, also involved in the bogus manipulation of data."

    In other words, the "settled debate" is based on fraudulent "science" the friends of Al Gore cooked the books to create a false conclusion.

    Trillions are being spent--hundreds of billions in California alone due to AB 32--on a fraud. is it time to repeal AB 32--of course.

    Now you know why Gore could not debate the issue--he had to have known the corruption of the scientists behind this fraud--or is he just that dumb? Maybe he did not care, he just wanted the notoriety and the money. Time for a real voter revolt. We can no longer afford office holders so easily duped, who refuse to ask questions and demand answers.
