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Law Enforcement: Crime Wave to Hit California

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  • Law Enforcement: Crime Wave to Hit California

    A massive crime wave is about to hit California, possibly your community and neighborhood.

    "San Bernardino County District Attorney Michael Ramos said the planned release will cause more harm than good to public safety.

    "When you have these three judges determine they are going to release 40,000 prisoners, dumping them onto the street without parole and supervision and resources, guess where that falls - on our local police departments and district attorneys offices - to ensure these people don't commit more crimes, and we all know what's going to happen there," he said. "It's not going to solve the problem."

    Thanks to judges with bodyguards, crime will go up in California. We will be victims, while the judges have bodyguards. Shame on us for allowing this--or doing it. Nothing wrong with telling a judge that the safety of 38 million people is more important that the comfort of a criminal.
