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Obama: "Look for the Union Label"

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  • Obama: "Look for the Union Label"

    Unions provided Obama and the Democrats at least $160 million in 2008--$60 million came from the SEIU alone. This does not include the forced volunteerism of union members (bribe payers), volunteer or you won't get a job--just ask unionized construction workers.

    "The National Mediation Board, which oversees labor relations in the air and rail industry, this month moved to overturn 75 years of labor policy.

    The board plans to stack the deck for organized labor in union elections. Under a proposed rule, unions would no longer have to get the approval of a majority of airline workers to achieve certification. Not even close. Instead, a union could win just by getting a majority of the employees who vote. Thus, if only 1,000 of 10,000 flight attendants vote in a union election, and 501 vote for certification, the other 9,499 become unionized."

    In other words, President Obama is changing the rules, to force more workers to pay bribes in order to work. I support voluntary union membership--mandatory membership is what you find in totalitarian nations.

    We know what Obama is, sadly, the "change" he offered is his emulation of Castro and Chavez, not Jefferson or Lincoln.

    Pass this along--we need a total voter revolt in 2010, to save what is left of freedom and America.
