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ALERT: CA Unemployment: Up to 12.5%--50% Higher in Past Year

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  • ALERT: CA Unemployment: Up to 12.5%--50% Higher in Past Year

    October, 2008 the unemployment rate in California was 8%.

    October, 2009 the California unemployment rate is 12.5%--up from 12.2% in September.

    Yes, we "gained jobs", but also exposed those who have given up looking for work. In fact, if you include those who have given up and those underemployed (working part time while looking for full time work), the actual number of unemployed in California is closer to 20%.

    Add to this the coming $21 billion deficit this year and $25 billion next year (Sacramento is trying to claim the 19 month deficit is "only" $21 billion. This does not include the $5 billion in lost lawsuits for previous illegal cuts that we have not paid, the $3 billion is assets that were to be sold, that were not sold, nor does it include the billions Clark Kelso is trying to steal from our Treasury to make criminals comfortable, and the public less safe. It does not include the higher interest rates for money borrowed--or the $22 billion water bond that provides no water that Sacramento wants you to vote for next year.)

    Revenues are still tanking, government expenses are still rising, more lawsuits are being filed. Plus, when did Sacramento tell the truth about jobs, revenues or the deficit? We still have seven months left in this fiscal year--we will be at least $20 billion in deficit. We start next year $10 billion in deficit, to rise to $25 billion. Did I mention that next year the Feds will not be able to send bailout money to "save or create" new jobs?

    California is in trouble, and once again the LA Times is trying to hide the truth.
