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Radicals Concerned Radical Jerry Brown "Moving to Center"

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  • Radicals Concerned Radical Jerry Brown "Moving to Center"

    This is really funny. The Radicals are concerned Jerry Brown may have sold them out.

    " Jerry Brown was sounding downright conservative when he told a group of corporate attorneys last week that the state's businesses are burdened with too many regulations. And, previously, he insisted state government needed more downsizing, dismissing higher taxes as an antidote to California's growing economic problems.

    His comments were likely intended to stamp an early image of reason, a reach-out to moderate and independent voters, who will be crucial to winning the governorship in 2010, even as he remains, officially, a noncandidate.

    But he angered some on the left, worried that Brown's potential cruise through a primary without an opponent will mean he won't have to offer even a nod toward the liberal wing of the party."

    At his age, Jerry Brown is still openly corrupt (allows staffers to illegally tape phone conversations, for example).

    Don't worry, Brown if allowed, would appoints more Rose Bird's, stop even more roads from being built and continue to be concerned with sensitivity in schools instead of quality education. His legacy after eight years as Governor, the crisis we face today. Why would anyone expect him to have grown up in the last 28 years?
