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Del Beccaro: Internment, CSI and Eric Holder?s Disarming of America

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  • Del Beccaro: Internment, CSI and Eric Holder?s Disarming of America

    Let us get real. No one ever read Khalid Sheikh Mohammed his Miranda rights. No court was asked for the right to get records from bank accounts, phones, etc. The President already said that if KSM is found innocent, he will still stay in prison. The President has already said the guy is guilty. You know the attorneys for KSM are going to ask for a complete dismissal of the case. Maybe that is what Holder and Obama want?

    On the other side of the issue is Limbaugh. He notes that if KSM IS convicted without getting his Miranda rights, was water boarded, no legal paperwork done, what does that mean for the rest of us.

    If the conviction of KSM is upheld, that sets a NEW legal standard, kills the Miranda rights and allows physical interrogation of defendants--which could be us.

    The author of this piece is Tom Del Beccaro, a new columnist for Big Government. This is what he believes, "Of course, that may well be part of the Lefts strategy. So too tearing down the barriers between citizens and non-citizens making terrorists citizens of the world. How long is the process from that decision to Obama then deciding that our Constitutional review of these terrorists must be judged by international standards?

    After all, if he has disarmed us of our ability to fight, why not disarm us of our constitution or as they refer to it Internationalism?"

    What do you think?
