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Pelosi DEMANDS Everybody Pay for Abortions

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  • Pelosi DEMANDS Everybody Pay for Abortions

    San Fran Nan is a disturbed person. There can be no other reason for her attitude that all Americans pay for the abortion of innocent babies.

    "What is even more alarming is that a monthly abortion premium will be charged of all enrollees in the government-run plan. Its right there on line 16, page 96, section 213, under Insurance Rating Rules. The premium will be paid into a U.S. Treasury account - and these federal funds will be used to pay for the abortion services.

    Section 213 describes the process in which the Health Benefits Commissioner is to assess the monthly premiums that will be used to pay for elective abortions under the government-run plan. The Commissioner must charge at a minimum $1 per enrollee per mo."

    This release the The GOP House leaders show how she does it. Imagine forcing people of Faith, Nuns, priest and Pastors being forced to pay for the abortion of babies? That is what she wants to do. It is like totalitarians forcing family members to kill family members. This is as outrageous as can be.

    Has she no shame, respect for her fellow citizens or life itself?

    Please pass this along to other blogs and to your friends. Ask them to call every Democrat Congress member and our Senators. Ask this simple question:

    "Do you believe that those forced into a government health care plan, and those with private plans should be forced to pay for abortions if they want health care coverage?" Pelosi wants 90 year old men to pay for abortions as part of their health care coverage--this is as dumb as a Democrat can be.

    It is time to call Congress--202-224-3121 This number is good for Congress or Senator. when the operator answers just give the name of the Congress member or Senator you wan and you will be connected to their office. See this YouTube on the process of calling.


  • #2
    Pelosi is a MAD DOG!

