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Poll: Californians support keeping marijuana illegal

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  • Poll: Californians support keeping marijuana illegal

    The Field Poll in April showed that "56 percent of the respondents said they supported legalizing marijuana for recreational use and tax(ing) its proceeds.

    Of course, by looking at the revenues, that caused people to put aside doubts and say, yes--bring on the bucks.

    A real poll, on the subject was just completed. "Despite a push by groups to legalize marijuana, about half of Californians want the drug to remain illegal, a new Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research poll finds.

    The survey found 52 percent of respondents wanted to keep marijuana illegal, while 38 percent of those surveyed support legalization.

    The Poll surveyed 750 likely primary voters between Oct. 26 and Oct. 28. The survey has a margin of error of 3.7 percent. "

    What I find interesting is that the very same people forcing you to stop smoking cigarettes have no problem with you smoking a joint. Both are bad for you--and both have "secondhand smoke".

    Imagine walking along a street behind a joint smoker--you can get high and sick just by being in the area!!!

    The good news is that the people are smarter than the special interests and the politicians. This will fail.
