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Will DeVore Become the Next Rubio and Hoffman?

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  • Will DeVore Become the Next Rubio and Hoffman?

    The fight between the establishment and the grass roots is about to hit California.

    Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina has endorsed Assemblyman Chuck DeVore for Senate against Barbara Boxer. The DeVore opponent in the GOP primary is Carly Fionia--who is supported by the establishment folks in D.C.

    The question now is whether Palin, Thompson, Pawlenty, the Club for Growth and the rest of the national conservative movement will also endorse DeVore.

    Will Fiorina get the immediate endorsement of McCain, Graham and rest of the "Dole" wing of the GOP? We saw what happened in NY 23, we are seeing this fight in the Florida GOP Senate race, where the establishment candidate Crist is losing ground every day.

    Looks like this fight for the heart and soul of the GOP has come to California.

    (disclosure: I have endorsed Assemblyman DeVore)
