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Arnold Helps Obama Promote Phony Stimulus Fund

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  • Arnold Helps Obama Promote Phony Stimulus Fund

    We now know that the government double counted jobs "saved and created".

    We now know that of the first 30,000 jobs ""saved and created" were phony and did not exist.

    We know that since the Stimulus plan went into action the number of unemployed in California has gone UP by hundreds of thousands and national by about 2,000,000.

    Still with all the evidence of corruption, bad math and increased joblessness, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger applauded President Obama for his stimulus plan.

    Our Governor applauds total failure. After his tens of billions in deficits, bad roads, water and energy crisis, I understand why he thinks Obama did well.

    "Schwarzenegger also took on GOP suggestions that the stimulus reports have shown that the package hasn't had much effect. He said the data to be posted Friday afternoon will show that California, struggling to close a $60 billion deficit, has seen more than 100,000 jobs as a direct result of the package, the most of any state.

    "This is also what our numbers show," Schwarzenegger added."

    Arnold has been watching as California unemployment rises month after month, in raw numbers, knows that many have given up, many are "underemployed". Yet, he smiles at these results and pats Barack on the back. No wonder he thinks AB 32 is a good thing.
