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Who Lied to Arnold about Stimulus Job Creation in UC System?

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  • Who Lied to Arnold about Stimulus Job Creation in UC System?

    As part of the "saved and created 100,000 California jobs caused by the Obama Stimulus package was 8,356 UCI and CSU jobs.

    What a lie.

    The State cut $815 million from our college and university systems. The Obama effort added $700 million. Yet, so math challenged yo-yo claims that with a $115 million CUT, the schools were able to "save and create" 8300 jobs? Wonder if they counted in the furlough days to be taken by professors and janitors?

    Oh, how can you get such numbers if no one asked? The OC Register mentions this, "We cant figure out where the governors office got the data to support saying 34,000 jobs have been saved in the CSU and UC systems. No such data has been forwarded by our campus to the state, said Cathy Lawhon, director of media relations at UCI.

    Basically, the state cut to the UC system was $815 million. The stimulus money totaled about $700 million, which didnt quite make up the difference. And what remains to be seen is, since that $700 million was a one-time shot in the arm, what happens in the next fiscal year?

    It is accurate to say we (UCI) have laid off several dozen people.

    The claim was made by the California Recovery Team--looks like I know where the Bernie Madoff folks got their next job.

    As noted by other the Obama one million job claim is filled with hot air and political bull. The Associated Press did a story on the first 30,000 "saved and created jobs" which showed fraud in those numbers.

    The Governor needs to fire those responsible for lying to him and the people of California.

    Now you know why government has too much money. See story by clicking on "read more" below.


  • #2
    Governor Arnold is such a liar HIMSELF, it's HARD to imagine whether he is actually CAPABLE of distinguishing fact from fiction!

