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Governor, Others Disrespect Voters and Citizens

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  • Governor, Others Disrespect Voters and Citizens

    The Governor openly uses the "F" word in a public document--that is disrespectful--He should be a role model, but a school yard twerp.

    The Chief Justice of our Supreme Court thinks the people are wrong to be self governed--that is disrespectful of freedom and democracy. He needs to look again at his oath of office.

    The Governor claims our term limits law, put into affect by the public, not the corrupt in the legislature, is "crazy"

    This is a man out of control. He has no respect for the voters right to self government. Then again he is "Arnold".

    This is why Ron Paul did so well last year. This is why the Tea Parties are doing so well. This is why Hoffman in New York, as a 3rd Party candidate should win the congressional race next week.

    People are "Mad as Hell and won't take it any more" as Beale said in the classic "Network". Elected officials like the Governor, acting in a vulgar manner, calling honest citizens "crazy" is why we had the May 19 voter revolt and the forthcoming 2010 voter revolt. Thank you for that, Arnold.
