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Conservative to Beat GOP and Democrat in NY!

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  • Conservative to Beat GOP and Democrat in NY!

    This is a major upset in the making. Not of an election, it will be an electoral upset. But, should Doug Hoffman continue his momentum and beats both the Democrat and Republican candidates for Congress in the 23rd CD of New York, it will be an upset of the special interests, the establishment and the Obama Administration. The Daily Kos now has the Conservative candidate within one point of the Democrat, with the GOP'er trying to remember why she is a Republican.

    This will be a victory for the grassroots, the Tea Party movement and those who have had enough with big government and the totalitarian Obama folks.

    The consequence of a Hoffman victory is enormous.

    First, this means in 2010 many challenges in GOP primaries by conservatives against moderates. Progressives, those supporting the totalitarian polices of Obama will also be emboldened. They will challenge Blue Dogs and other responsible Democrat office holders.

    You can be sure Hoffman will be on all the talk shows the following Sunday after the election. His message is simple, people of principle can win. Importantly he will say people of principle have a responsibility to speak out and to run for office.

    The 2010 election may not be about Republican vs. Democrat, but it could be about principle over politics, from the Right and the Left. Those in the middle will be squeezed by those with values.

    What a concept--values vs.politics--who do you think will win?
