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Parents gain power in school takeovers in LAUSD

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  • Parents gain power in school takeovers in LAUSD

    How bad is education in Los Angeles? The union owned and controlled school board is willing to turn over dozens of schools to parents, teachers and private organizations--taking them away from the monopolistic unions.

    "Empowering parents to take control of their children's education, the Los Angeles Unified board voted Tuesday to expand a controversial reform plan and potentially allow the outside takeover of any underperforming school in the district.

    The move comes just weeks before the launch of the School Choice Resolution program, which allows teachers, nonprofit groups and charter operators to bid to run new and underperforming district campuses.

    While three dozen campuses had been identified, the board decided that a simple majority of parents could vote to nominate a school for inclusion in the reform plan if they are dissatisfied with student performance."

    Of course the unions are upset. "In addition, United Teachers Los Angeles and other employee unions are also exploring whether to file suit in an effort to block the reform effort. The unions maintain the district is breaking promises it made to voters, who approved the bonds that funded the construction of the schools that will now be up for bid."

    The promise made to the parents, due to the bonds, was to educate the children of Los Angeles. CURRENTLY, LAUSD is breaking the promise, because of the unions. As the schools are released from the grip of the unions, improve, more parents will want to get an education for their children. Crazy, incompetent and corrupt LAUSD might actually be the catalyst to return education to education!
