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Illegal Alien Drivers in San Fran Have Cars Protected by Government

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  • Illegal Alien Drivers in San Fran Have Cars Protected by Government

    If you want to control illegals, you stop them from working and you take away their cars. Make this an environmental issue--if all the illegal aliens were only allowed to ride a bike to work, then we can save the earth!!!

    San Francisco really loves illegal aliens. Like bass, if caught by the SFPD, they are thrown back to the streets. Find an illegal alien selling drugs, the city will provide you with both a criminal attorney and an immigration attorneys. Now, the city has determined that driving is a RIGHT for illegal aliens.

    "Call it sanctuary on wheels: San Francisco is about to give a big break to people, many of them illegal immigrants, who are caught driving without a license.

    Beginning Sunday, cops will no longer impound cars the first time drivers are pulled over without a license." Remember, these are the same folks who hit your car and do not have insurance.

    "The 30-day car impounds have long been a sore point with the city's Latino politicos and activists, who feel the practice is unfair.

    Some police officers we spoke with, however, said people without licenses are often lousy drivers - and that the change means more dangerous streets for everyone else.

    "These are the same people who are sailing through stop signs and injuring people," said one traffic cop who asked not to be named for fear of retribution."

    Mayor Newsom loves law breakers in his home town--imagine what he could do fro criminals were he elected Governor!!!
