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Democrats Try to Raise Taxes and Cost of Gasoline

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  • Democrats Try to Raise Taxes and Cost of Gasoline

    You know the old saying, "Their actions speak so loud, I can't hear a word they are saying".

    The Democrats cry over the "plight" of the poor and middle class. Yet, their regulatory and tax policies are killing jobs and families.

    Now the Democrats are pushing a new oil tax. If they had gone to college these Democrats would know, from their economics classes, that it is IMPOSSIBLE, to tax a corporation. All taxes paid by a corporation to government is actually passed on in the form of HIGHER prices to the consumer. So this oil tax will make it harder in a government caused California Depression to pay for gas to find work or get to work.

    Why do the poor and middle class allow this hypocrisy and still vote for those killing them? Until we end the Democrat control of California, we will be in a Depression, while the poor and middle wonder why they are in trouble.
