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NJ Guv Corzine Gave $500,000 to Known Crook

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  • NJ Guv Corzine Gave $500,000 to Known Crook

    Just when things looked bad for the GOP in New Jersey, the corrupt Democrats come to the Republicans rescue.

    The Democrat Governor of New jersey, in a televised debate on Thursday admitted he gave $500,000 to an openly corrupt County Democrat Party. Not only that, but was proud of it.

    How corrupt--the Democrat leader was found guilty of three felony corruption counts--could get 20 years.

    Yet, like the good Democrat he is, and the rich Wall Street Democrat that he was, Governor Corzine continued to give money to the openly corrupt Democrat machine--rivaled for its corruption by the Chicago mob, ur, I mean the Daley machine.

    With just two weeks to go in the election, looks like the only issue is this--a very rich Governor vs. a former US prosecutor who put people like him behind bars.

    While it will not be easy, this should be a GOP win on November 3--then let the Jersey crooks run to DC for protection. I am sure Obama has a job for them in the White House or at least in the Treasury Department.


  • #2
    To DO WRONG is BAD, to be PROUD of it is WORSE! As it says in Psalm 37: "Do NOT be VEXED over EVILDOERS, do NOT ENVY those who DO WRONG."

