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Gore: Not Evil-Just Wrong--the Documentary

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  • Gore: Not Evil-Just Wrong--the Documentary

    We know that al Gore is a liar. He still claims the earth is getting warmer, while the facts show it is getting cooler. He refuses to answer questions. He was found GUILTY by a British court of telling lies in his fiction documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". Gore has made tens of millions of dollars by scaring people, then refusing to answer question or give proof of his words.

    Phelim McAleer, the co-author of this article for the California Political News and Views, questioned Gore, publicly about the polar bears of Alaska--Gore's answer? he had the microphone shut down and refused to answer the question.

    Want to see the answer to Gore, want to see why AB 32 is flawed? Need to know the truth, not the propaganda the fringe media, LA Times, NY Times, etc) want you to know? You need to see the documentary "Not Evil Just Wrong".

    This is a video you need to see, need to get, need to show. Have a coffee, a community meeting, let your club use this as the "speaker" for a meeting. Go to the web site to get more details.
