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Union "Friendly" CalPers Killing Government Pensions

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  • Union "Friendly" CalPers Killing Government Pensions

    Want to kill a good thing? Let the unions control it like government services and education.

    Now the unions are working hard to kill the pension plans of their members. "A labor-friendly CalPERS board offered local governments an incentive eight years ago to boost public employee pension benefits, now called unsustainable by some.

    CalPERS said it would reward higher benefits by inflating the value of the local governments pension investment fund, making it easier to pay for more generous pensions.

    Booming pension fund earnings in previous years were cited in a self-congratulatory board resolution approving the incentive in 2001. But the stock market boom had already cooled by then."

    No one accused labor leaders as being the brightest bulbs in the room, just the strongest and meanest.

    Now the people of California and those who are forced to pay bribes in order to work are going to get the shaft, courtesy of unions.

    Will we ever learn?
