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ACORN Violated Non Profit Laws By Running Candidates!

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  • ACORN Violated Non Profit Laws By Running Candidates!

    It is illegal for a non profit to participate in political campaigns. Period.

    We all know that the recent scandals exposed by the videos showing ACORN helping promote sex slaves, child sex slaves, violations of the tax codes, and more. What is not generally known is that the video's shown background documentation that ACORN is actively involved in running political campaigns.

    But, the NY Post has shown that the background of the videos proves that ACORN and a political party are one in the same, the New York political party "Working Families Party". "As a tax-exempt 501c3 nonprofit, ACORN is not permitted to endorse candidates or host political events.

    But on a prominently displayed dry-erase board visible in the video, ACORN backs Bill de Blasio for public advocate and Richard Aborn for Manhattan district attorney.

    These are the same candidates backed by the Working Families Party, which shares office space with ACORN."

    I am shocked that ACORN is caught in another violation of law, aren't you? Everyday another corrupt act by ACORN is exposed. Why hasn't the NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo closed them down? Because Democrat Cuomo wants the ACORN, ur Working Families, endorsement. Just a typical corrupt Democrat. At what point does the American public punish the Democrats for funding,promoting and protecting ACORN corruption? Hopefully it will be in 2010.
