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Criminals: Governor Should go to Jail

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  • Criminals: Governor Should go to Jail

    Murders, rapists, thieves, drug dealers are upset--they are uncomfortable in prison. So, they go to court for Cadillac health care and private rooms. Since the Governor has not let 40,000 uncomfortable criminals out of jail, they want the Governor in jail.

    "Lawyers for California's prison inmates on Thursday demanded Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger be held in contempt by a federal court for his "bald defiance" of an August order to slash more than 40,000 inmates from the state's clogged prison system.

    In court papers, prisoner rights groups argued that the plan released by the governor last month to relieve prison overcrowding fell so far short he should be held in both civil and criminal contempt "for his apparent defiance" of the judges' orders."

    Is this a Jay Leno joke or a Saturday Night Live skit? This is truly funny--certainly better that any joke told on Letterman.

    Do you care if a criminal shares a cell with another criminal or two. Do you really care if a murderer is uncomfortable? This is a joke and the Governor needs to laugh instead of hiring attorneys, at your expense.
