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California?s Zigzag on Welfare Rules Worries Experts

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  • California?s Zigzag on Welfare Rules Worries Experts

    California has the nation’s largest welfare problem. "Still, what California does often takes on outsized significance because the states welfare rolls are outsized. In July, while looking for budget cuts, Mr. Schwarzenegger complained that California had 12 percent of the nations population but 30 percent of the people on welfare.

    As elsewhere, California’s welfare rolls plummeted after the 1996 national overhaul of welfare, from 921,000 families in 1995 to 466,000 families in 2008, but they did not fall as much as in most states. In the recession, rolls have climbed and are projected to reach 557,000 families in 2010, or about 1.3 million individuals."

    We have 30% of the welfare cases--maybe illegal aliens have something to do with it. They steal American jobs and lie to get benefits.

    Thanks to them and bad Sacramento policies few understand the system, what is legal, what the regulations demand, and little money to pay for it.

    Just wait, by January we will have to cut much more--then you will really hear screaming!
