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ACORN: Pension Funds Used to Cover Up Embezzlement?

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  • ACORN: Pension Funds Used to Cover Up Embezzlement?

    Looks like Bertha Lewis might have to take up cigarette smoking. Even the nutty, radical Andy Stern, ACORN Board member and head of the equally corrupt SEIU, could go to jail;, or at least be thrown out as a union officer.

    It seems that ACORN used pension money to cover up the $1-5 million embezzlement of the crooked, radical, Democrat founder of ACORN.

    So many laws were broken, not sure the law suits and criminal trials will end before the 2012 election.

    What they did, these "protectors" of the poor and workers, stole pension money to cover up the fraud of Rathke. Seems when Lewis and her cronies talk about greedy and corruption, they are talking about themselves.

    This is a total criminal operation. Why hasn't government closed down this criminal syndicate. Every day another broken law is found to adhere to ACORN.

    Want pension reform? Close ACORN.
